Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Democracy in Latin America Must Be Crushed

Uprising Radio interviews School of the Americas Watch about the quiet lifting of a Military Training Ban for Latin America. The purpose of this lifting was reportedly to combat the democratic shift to the left in Latin America showing Washington's disdain for democracy that doesn't go their way. This ban was lifted in early October, unreported by the media, and is being followed through with the appointment of Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. Robert Gates was a key player in the Iran-Contra Affair.

The goal, of course, is to reestablish a Wilsonian like Imperialist control of Latin America. This is why there is still a trade embargo on Cuba and why Oliver North, another more public player in the Iran-Contra Affair, was sent to Nicaragua to warn the citizens against voting for the wrong person.

Can you believe they'd ever vote against crippling debt, raping of their national resources through neo-liberal economic policies, and the strangle hold of military dictatorships? I guess those ignorant masses in Latin countries just don't know a good deal when they see it.