Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Louisiana is Racist as Hell

Read about The Jena Six for some proof that there is racism in America.

So many cases like this exist, especially in the South, but, of course, Right Wing pundits like BillO and Uncle Toms like Larry Elders will vilify anyone who "pulls the race card" as if we've move passed it since some white guy killed Martin Luther King and black people got to drink from the same drinking fountain and enter the front door.

I insist that everyone read about this not-so-isolated incident.

Life Under Occupation

The Nation is presenting an article that interviews 50 Iraq War veterans and their stories of Iraqi civilian collateral damage and the impact of occupation on the daily lives of Iraqis.

In an interview on Democracy Now, Staff Sergeant Timothy John Westphal states, "I thought of my family at the time and thought 'If I was the patriarch of the family, if soldiers came from another country and did this to my family, I would be an insurgent too.'"

According to Laila Al-Arian from The Nation states in the same interview that, according to the Army Surgeon General only"47% of soldiers and 38% of Marines said that Iraqis should be treated with dignity, and only 55% of soldiers and 40% of Marines said that they would turn in a friend in the military who basically killed or injured an unarmed Iraqi combatant.