Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Intelligent Design Movement

I've been having an interesting discussion with a resident Troglodyte about Intelligent Design, or at least the sincerity of scientists in forwarding Evolutionary Theory. Frankly, I feel that scientists are basically being as sincere as possible while proponents of Intelligent Design are being insincere. ID proponents are trying to disguise creationism with a fleece of true science. The question is, Creationism had any merit at all, why disuise with science? It should stand on its own merits.

Sadly, Creationism, and therefore Intelligent Design, has no rational merits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Intelligent design by its very wording is flawed. Intelligence is a noun or adjective that applies a value in terms of human understanding. If a God were to exist his boundaries as an omnipotent being would out stretch this limitation.

Regardless of this misnomer, Intelligent design is a copout that clutches to Darwinism and uses its fundamental science to validated itself. At the same time invalidating spontaneous evolution. How can one invalidate the very validating factors that make a theory plausible. This mobius reasoning is epistemologically corrupt.

The real problem is not ID or evolutionary theorists, it is the lacking of vision in both areas. A human mind can not comprehend past its mortal biological limitations. The very possibility of an omnipotent, or even an other being so powerful and knowledgeable that we can not comprehend it is the fundamental flaw.

Having said that I can proceed with that religion is a “human” way of adapting to an overwhelming mystery. Thus we make small and apply limitations to that which is outside of our perspective. It is like a man born blind trying to describe a color, it is not possible. ID is a second layer on this. They are applying their limiting views on the universe in order to limit a theory. Regardless of either’s validity it can not work due to its own inherent self feeding matrix.